Ask Larry

When Would It Be Best For Me To Collect SS?

Larry I’m 62 will be 63 in October making 35-40k a year no savings know I will have to work till the end. When would it be best to collect ss


That depends on a number of factors you haven't mentioned, but in general if you can afford to wait it's usually best to start drawing Social Security retirement benefits at age 70. You never know how long you'll be able to continue working, and waiting until age 70 to start drawing your Social Security retirement benefits would provide you with your highest possible monthly benefit rate.

However, auxiliary (e.g. spousal, divorced spousal) and survivor benefit rates do not continue to grow if you wait past full retirement age (FRA), so if you're eligible for those types of benefits you would ideally want to claim them no later than FRA.

Instead of seeking someone else's advice, though, you should strongly consider using our software ( to fully analyze all of your options so that you can determine your best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Aug 7 2020 - 8:06am
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