I own a home outright, I’m on SSDI and collect a small pension..My son and his mom live in the house for cheap rent monthly. They both recieve SSI….I now want my house back but don’t want them in the street, can I rent them rooms in the house basicly for what there paying now but will it cut there checks or my check if I move in?? We were never married…I get between both checks SSDI and Pension 25933 monthly…Thry each get around 820 each monthly..They will pay there own rent share, buy and cook there own food and pay there own expenses…
Hi. I have a basic understanding of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, but I'm not an expert. What I can tell you is that SSI rules and regulations are complex at best. My understanding is that in order to be eligible for the maximum Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment rate, your son and his mother would each need to either be paying fair rental value for their housing or be paying their fair share of the household expenditures. I'm not sure how that would be evaluated in the scenario you present, though.
I would suggest contacting Social Security to try to discuss your options with an SSI technical expert.
Best, Jerry