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Will My U.S. Benefits Be Reduced By More Than The WEP Chart Amount If That's Less Than 50% Of My German Retirement Benefit?

I have worked in Germany and moved to the US with my Husband in 2008. I have since worked in the USA and meet the requirements for social security benefits in both countries (40 credits in the USA and more than 5 years of contributions in Germany).

However, I have less than 20 years of substantial earnings in the USA. Based on the WEP Chart and an ELY (2023) the maximum reduction is $557 monthly, assuming I retire at full retirement age. Will the US SS benefits be reduced by more than $557 if this is less than 50% of the German retirement benefits?

Also, will the WEP affect my getting Spousal Benefits from my husband?

Hi. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) can only reduce your benefit rate by the lesser of a) 50% of the gross amount of your non-U.S. Social Security covered pension, or b) the amount of reduction resulting from use of the modified WEP calculation formula. Therefore, if the modified calculation formula results in a $557, then your U.S. benefit rate couldn't be reduced by more than that no matter how much your German pension amounts to.

WEP can only apply to U.S. Social Security retirement or disability benefits that are based on a person's own earnings history. Therefore, WEP will not reduce any U.S. Social Security spousal or survivor benefits for which you may qualify.

Our software ( is programmed to handle benefit computations involving WEP, so you and your husband should strongly consider using the software ( to fully compare and analyze all of your various options so that you can determine the best overall strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Apr 5 2023 - 2:05pm
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