I was married for 23 years been divorced for three years. My ex-husband died. He was receiving disability Social Security benefits. Will either be allowed to still receive his Social Security survivor benefits? Right now I am only 48. I do have children with him that are currently in college. Would any of us receive benefits.?
Hi. It doesn't sound like either you or your children could qualify for survivor benefits, at least at the present time. The only way that a child can qualify for benefits on a deceased parent's account is if they're a) under age 18, or b) age 18 to 19 and attending high school, or c) disabled due to an impairment that began prior to age 22. And, unless you have a child in your care who is eligible for child benefits, the earliest that you could qualify for survivor benefits is at age 60, or at age 50 if you're disabled (https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/handbook/handbook.04/handbook-0403.html).
Best, Jerry