I am a grandmother that has been raising my grandson for eight years. my grandson is just 10 years old. The father is unknown, the mother my daughter lost her son due to drug addiction. My grandson struggles with adhd in school and at home. He is special ed. and dislexia. Would I be able to collect some type of financial help for him due to my age being 59 and I am out of work at this time. I also struggle with depression, as well as adhd
My only area of expertise is Social Security, so I can only tell you what might be possible with regard to benefits administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
If your grandson's mother or father are deceased or drawing Social Security benefits based on their own work records, then your grandson might me able to qualify for Social Security child benefits (https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/handbook/handbook.03/handbook-0323.html). Your grandson couldn't qualify for Social Security benefits from your Social Security record unless you're drawing Social Security retirement or disability benefits, AND either a) both of your grandson's natural parents are either deceased or disabled, or b) if you adopt him (https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/handbook/handbook.03/handbook-0336.html).
Otherwise, if your grandson could be considered as disabled according to Social Security's definition, then you may want to consider filing for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for him. SSI is a needs based benefit that's administered by SSA. For more information on the eligibility requirements for SSI, refer to the following Social Security website: https://www.ssa.gov/ssi/.
Best, Jerry