Ask Larry: Questions and Answers

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10063 questions.

What Is The Amount That I Will Be Receiving?

I got hurt at work and receiving Workers Comp payments for a 12% impairment rating (3 level back fusion), among others conditions. I am still working, but submitted a claim and my employer is offering $50,000 to settle. I am married, female and 59yr. My wife is receiving SSDI of $1,605 net monthly for the past 10 years, she is 68. The last time I checked MySocial the benefits will be around $1,000 - $1,050 as per website. So, If that is the amount I will be receiving or I will be paired with my wife's SSDI?

Hi. I don't have nearly enough information to be . . . Read More

Category: Disability Benefits
Posted: May 26 2023 - 12:32pm

How Do I Find Out If I Get SSD Or SSI?

I have been disabled since 2017. And I am aged 63 . How do I know if I get ssd ir Ssi ? I need to know if my benefits will stop after selling house

Hi. If your monthly benefit payment normally arrives on the 1st day of the month, then you must be receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSI is needs based, and if you receive SSI then selling your house could cause your benefits to stop unless you use the proceeds from the sale to buy a new home in which to live within 3 months.

If your benefit payment normally arrives on either the 3rd day of . . . Read More

Category: Disability Benefits
Posted: May 25 2023 - 6:21pm

What Is The Downside To My Spouse Claiming Her Own Benefits At 62 And Then Upgrading To Spousal Benefits When I Turn 67?

What is the downside to my spouse claiming work history benefits upon turning 62 then upgrading to spousal benefits when I turn 67? Is there a general rule of thumb as to whether or not it is worthwhile to have her start claiming benefits at 62?

Hi. The potential downside is that your wife would then be stuck with the reduction for age that's applied to her benefit rate for at least as long as both of you are living, even if she later qualifies for spousal benefits from your record. Your wife can't simply claim benefits on her own account at age 62 and . . . Read More

Category: Filing Strategies
Posted: May 25 2023 - 2:46pm

Will I Be Eligible To Collect Benefits From My Deceased Husband's Social Security If The Windfall Act Is Repealed?

I retired under civil service. WIll I be eligible to collect spouseal Soc. Sec from my deceased husband if windfall act is repealed? In addition to my Civil Service Benefits?
Thank you for responding to my inquiry.

Hi. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) doesn't prevent anyone from collecting Social Security spousal or survivor benefits, so repeal of WEP wouldn't make any difference with regard to your potential eligibility for widow's benefits. WEP can only affect Social Security retirement or disability benefits that are payable based on a . . . Read More

Category: Non-Covered Pension - WEP / GPO
Posted: May 25 2023 - 2:24pm

How Much Will My Remaining Children Be Paid When My Oldest Child Turns 18?

My 3 children receive 846 per child my oldest Turing 18 so how much will tha remaing to get

Hi. The answer to your question depends on a) the primary insurance amount (PIA) of the worker on whose record the children collect benefits, b) the family maximum benefit (FMB) amount that can be paid on the worker's record, c) whether or not the worker is living or deceased, and d) whether or not any other children or surviving spouses will be eligible for benefits on the worker's record.

Children receiving benefits on the record of a living worker can be . . . Read More

Category: Benefit Amount
Posted: May 24 2023 - 9:45pm

Will My Social Security Benefit Be Affected By The Sale Of My Home?

I am 64 and on Social Security. I sold my primary home and received $190,000. Will this affect my Social Security benefit?
Thank you

Hi. No. Income from selling your home has no effect on Social Security benefits.

Best, Jerry

Category: Miscellaneous
Posted: May 24 2023 - 1:39pm

Is It Too Soon To Expect An Answer From Social Security Regarding My Request For A Benefit Recalculation?

I retired in 2017 at the age of 62, I continued working part time, in all the years of retirement my income was higher, every year than it was in my younger working years, I never had a recalcuation that I know of, then in Novmeber of 2022 I sent a leftter to Social Security Administration asking for a recalculation, it is almost June of 2023 and I have not heard anything from them one way or another regarding the recalcualtion. Is it too soon to expect an answer and also will they give me an answer even if I don't qualify for a recalculation ?

Hi. You . . . Read More

Category: Recomputations
Posted: May 24 2023 - 1:17pm

How Far In Advance Do I Need To Apply For Social Security Benefits?

Hi, I would like to know how far in advance do I need to apply for social security benefits if my 65th birthday is in February 2024? As I will be applying for Medicare in November of 2023. Thank you!

Hi. Filing your application for Medicare in November 2023 should work fine if you'll reach age 65 in February 2024.

Assuming that your question refers to applying for monthly Social Security benefits, you don't necessarily need to apply in advance. You can apply for benefits as late as the month you want them to start without losing any benefits. . . . Read More

Category: Filing For Benefits
Posted: May 22 2023 - 4:05pm

Can I Apply For Widow's Benefits By Phone?

My husband passed away he lives in Puerto Rico what do I do can I call for widow benefits over the phone I get ssi

Hi. I'm sorry for your loss. Yes, you can apply for Social Security widow's benefits by phone. You don't mention your age, but unless you have a child of your husband's in your care you would need to be at least age 60 or at least age 50 and disabled to potentially qualify for widow's benefits. You should be able to make an appointment to apply by calling 800-772-1213.

By the way, if you do start receiving widow's benefits, your . . . Read More

Category: Filing For Benefits
Posted: May 22 2023 - 12:19pm

Can I Collect SS From My First Spouse?

Married twice. Divorced twice. 1st marriage 17 yrs 2nd 3 yrs. Can I collect SS from the first spouse? I just turned 65 and am in financial crisis and contemplating collecting mine or his (whichever is higher) now instead of waiting another 1yr and 8 months for full benefits. If I wait my own would be slightly higher at 66 & 8 months. Thank you.

Hi. All that I can tell you for sure based on the limited information in your question is that your short second marriage would not hinder your ability to potentially collect benefits on your first husband's . . . Read More

Category: Filing Strategies
Posted: May 20 2023 - 2:32pm
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