Ask Larry

Can I Receive Survivor/SSDI Benefits From Both Of My Deceased Parents?

I was disabled before age 22. I was receiving SSI , and still do, but does not receive social security from my dad because I married in 2004 , and divorced in 2005. Married 6 months. Have not married no one else. I am 56 now. Both parents are deceased now. Can I receive survivor/ SSDI benefits from both parents or just one parent ?

Hi. The answer to your question depends on whether or not you were previously entitled to Social Security benefits on your parents' Social Security records. If you were, then you couldn't be re-entitled to benefits on the same parent's account unless your marriage was void or annulled ( However, you could potentially qualify for survivor benefits on the account of a parent on whose record you were never previously entitled.

The type of benefit that you're referring to is a disabled adult child's benefit (DAC), not SSDI. SSDI is the abbreviation for Social Security disability insurance, which is only paid to disabled individuals who are insured for Social Security benefits based on their own earnings history. The full requirements for DAC benefits are outlined in the following section of Social Security's handbook:

If you do qualify for DAC benefits on the account of more than one parent, you could only be paid the higher of the two benefit rates, not both.

Best, Jerry

Mar 23 2022 - 2:05pm
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