Hello Larry,
i am a 64 year old disabled person drawing disability benefits of about $1500.00 a month. I also receive $3600.00 each month from VA. for VA comp. Can I withdraw from the ss system after I apply for a one time lump sum payment based upon the average time I will Live and or can I make a one time lump sum withdrawal for say one year ? two years ? 5 years ? to either help with a downpayment on a new home and or to fund a lawsuit I am fixing to have to litigate in order to sue for denial of our ever important civil rights ?
Yours, David
Dear David,
Assuming you are single, your only move at this point is to wait till 66 and then suspend your retirement benefit (your disability benefit is renamed your retirement benefit at 66 when you reach full retirement age). You can then restart it at 70 at a 32 percent higher level adjusted for inflation. There is no lump sum benefit payment available to you either now or in the future.
best, Larry