I'm asking for a relative who is computer illiterate. He was a minister and began drawing early social security benefits at 62. He has continued to work some on a part time basis to supplement his income. He is now 69 years old. He has become unable to work in the last year or so due to kidney failure (permanently on dialysis) and recently went blind in one eye. He is under the impression (told by a friend) that he may be able to file for disability and receive an increase in his social security payment (convert to SSID I assume) up to the amount he would have received at full retirement age. My initial research suggests this may not be accurate. Question: Can he now file for disability and receive an increase in his social security payment?
The answer is no. There is no difference between Social Security disability and retirement benefit rates once a person reaches full retirement age (FRA). Therefore, if you become disabled after reaching FRA it has no impact on your Social Security benefit amount.
Best, Jerry