Hi, this is complicated but here goes: my daughter receives SSDI under two accounts as follows: $900 as my adult child; $200 under her own work record. This has been the case for several years.
Recently, my wife filed for spousal benefits.
Now I have received a letter stating that my daughter no longer qualifies for child's benefits and that, due to my wife's filing, benefits are no longer due to my daughter. In addition the letter said my daughter was overpaid by $200 and that amount was taken from my wife's benefits.
My concern is that the amount listed in this letter is the $200 payment based on my daughter's own work record. On my account, she receives $900 as my disabled adult child. So, do they mean to say that she will lose the 900 ( that would be a disaster) or the $200 (not such a bid deal)?
If they are saying my daughter loses the $200, why are they listed that as her child's benefit (when that amount is really $900)? Have that somehow switched the accounts?
Thanks for your expertise.
Your wife's entitlement to spousal benefits would not affect the amount of your daughter's disability benefit that's based on her own work history. It could only affect the rate that your daughter receives from your record. The reason for that is due to the family benefit maximum, which limits the total amount that can be paid on an individual record (https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb/v75n3/v75n3p1.html).
So, based only on the information contained in your question, my guess is that the $900 payment is likely the amount that your daughter receives on her own record, and would not be affected by your wife's entitlement. You will likely want to clarify the situation by contacting Social Security. You can call them at 1-800-772-1213, or you can contact your nearest office: https://secure.ssa.gov/ICON/main.jsp.
Best, Jerry