I have been on Social Security Disability since I was 55 and I will be turning 62 in two months. I know under normal circumstances I could have elected to start drawing SS at 62. My question is, since I am already drawing SSD, at 62 could I return to work and still draw SS at the age 62 reduced benefit without being penialized.
If you were to switch from disability to retirement benefits at age 62, your benefit rate would be reduced by about 25%. Also, there is an earnings test that could limit the reduced retirement benefits that you could draw prior to your full retirement age (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/whileworking2.html).
You can generally earn up to $1170 per month without losing your disability benefits, which will convert to unreduced retirement benefits at the same rate when you reach full retirement age (FRA). That is, assuming that your disability entitlement does not end before you reach FRA. For more information on working while receiving disability benefits, refer to this pamphlet: https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10095.pdf.
Best, Jerry