I. Was married for 10 years got divorce remarried he remarried also I'm I qualify for his social security
Hi. The fact that your ex-spouse has remarried wouldn't have any adverse effect on your ability to qualify for divorced spousal benefits. However, you must be unmarried to potentially be able to qualify for divorced spousal benefits on the record of a living ex-spouse (https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/handbook/handbook.03/handbook-0311.html).
Therefore, if you've remarried then you couldn't qualify for benefits on your ex-spouse's Social Security record for the duration of your remarriage, provided that your ex-spouse still living. If your ex-spouse dies before you and if you're still remarried to someone else, the only way you could qualify for survivor benefits on your ex's record is if your remarriage occurred after you reached age 60.
Best, Jerry