10/01/17 I received a one time payment from SS disability. Have income taxes already been deducted from the one time payment? I applied 11/01/16, will monthly payments bebgin in october? November or 5 months from now?
Taxes are withheld from Social Security benefits only if you request the withholding (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/taxwithold.html).
There is a 5 full calendar month waiting period for Social Security disability (SSDI) entitlement that starts with the date you are determined to have become disabled. If 11/1/2016 is the established date of onset of your disability, then your SSDI entitlement would begin effective April 2017. If you received a back payment on 10/1/2017, your regular monthly payments will likely begin in November. You should receive an award letter soon that will explain all of this.
Best, Jerry