Hi Larry
I am now outside of USA and on SSDI. I am LPR. I was traveling and visiting family and looking into possibly retiring in Europe.
I wasn't able to return within the timeframe due to covid to keep my status.
I have now been out of the country for over a year and may not be able to return.I understand I can still receive my SSDI if I am a green card holder based on my work contributions but if I lose it then how will that affect me. Will I lose it? Will I pay higher tax so lose some of it.
Hi. Yes, you can still be paid Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits while living outside of the U.S However, you may be subject to a non-resident alien tax withholding depending on your country of citizenship and residence. To determine whether or not your benefits will be subject to the alien tax withholding provision, refer to the following Social Security website: https://www.ssa.gov/international/AlienTax.html#:~:text=If%20you%20are%2....
You aren't required to have a green card in order to collect SSDI benefits while living outside of the U.S.
Best, Jerry