Dear Larry,
I am 68 yrs old and have a full-time job. I filed for Social Security benefits even though i have Parkinson disease. My friends and relatives are insisting that I file for disability. In view of the fact that I can still work and my Parkinson is still not in its worst stage I filed for social security retirement benefits and still work full time. But after less than a year my Parkinson decease started to affect my job plus just this month I was diagnosed with cancer. I was in FMLA at the moment and trying to hang on with my job for I need health insurance to finance my medical expenses.
My question is can I still file for disability benefits?
Thank you, Elias
Dear Elias,
I'm very sad to say that you cannot collect Social Security disability benefits after you reach full retirement age, which in your case is age 66.
Had you taken Social Security disability benefits prior to 66, they would have converted to your full retirement benefit at age 66. I think you have done and are doing the right thing. Keep working as long as you can.
I wish you all the best.
Warmest regards, Larry