I’m 30 years old and. I was born with severe to profound hearing loss in both ears and recently got a cochlear implant surgery this past year.
There was a very specific situation, as well as a combination of other reasons I was awarded SSDI about 3 weeks ago. I applied in person on Nov 11, 2017 so fairly quickly. Just a quick note, my mother did receive ssi for me as a child. The reason I am reaching out to you today I am seeking for a trust worthy organization or individual who can advise me on some of these decisions I have to make and questions I have for my existing LLC business and need to prepare my tax returns.
It’s a little complex, but would love to connect and see if there is somehow we can speak or arrange a discussion/consultation. If you are not the best resource for me, but do know someone who is please do let me know who I can speak to.
Thank you very much, look forward to hearing back from you very soon.
I'm sorry, but we don't offer the kind of personalized service to which you refer, nor do I know of anyone to whom I could refer you.
If your questions have to do with work and earnings while receiving Social Security disability benefits (SSDI), you might want to start by reading this Social Security pamphlet: https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10095.pdf. Basically, you generally can't do any work that would reasonably be valued at more than $1180 per month and continue drawing SSDI benefits beyond your 9-month trial work period (https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/poms.nsf/lnx/0410510010).
If you have specific questions, you could try arranging for an appointment with a Social Security representative or technical expert. I believe that Social Security will pay for a sign language interpreter if you need one.
Best, Jerry