I am on Disability, I sold my house to move closer to my family in another state after the passing of my husband.
My question is now that I have some money in the bank will I loose my Disability
Hi. The answer depends in part on what type of disability benefits you receive. If you receive Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits based on your past earnings, then selling a home won't affect your benefits no matter how much money you have in the bank.
However, if you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) then your SSI payments could be stopped if you have countable resources, such as money in the bank, that exceed $2000. SSI is a needs based program, so only people with little or no income and resources are eligible for SSI payments. The value of a home in which you live is excluded from counting as a resource for SSI purposes, but if you sell a house and keep proceeds then you become ineligible for SSI payments if the proceeds from the sale push you over the $2000 resource limit.
However, the proceeds from the sale of a home aren't counted as resources if the proceeds are used to purchase a new home to live in within 3 months of the sale of the previous home. So, if you are receiving SSI payments then whether or not your payments will stop likely depends on what you do with the proceeds from the sale of your home. In that case, you should likely call Social Security to discuss your options.
Best, Jerry