Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Should My Wife File A Restricted Application For Spousal Benefits Only?

Larry....Help.....I turned 70 years old (July 2016) filed for and began collecting my social security in August 2016. My wife turned 66 in February 2017(last month) born in 1951. Can and should she file a "restricted spousal benefit" application now and draw 50% of my monthly benefit now and then wait till she is 70 to file for her full benefit ? Or is there a better strategy for us to use to maximize our benefits ?? We are not retiring, we both work full-time at least for 2-4 more years. Thanks, we are patiently awaiting your advice.

Friday, March 31, 2017 - 10:45

Can I Collect Benefits On My Deceased Wife's Record?

IBM is laying me off on 5/1/2017. I'm 66 will be 67 on 7/1. I can retire from IBM and Lucent Technologies I know that but and also take my Social Security pension. My wife died in 2011 and I'am wondering if and can collect any of my wife's benefits from social security pension as a surviving spouse (she made less than I do/did) ?


I'm sorry for your loss.

Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 08:30

Can I File For Spousal Benefits Only At Age 66?

My wife started her benefits at age 63 after they changed the rules in 2015. I turn 66 this July 2017. I want to file for spousal benefits to receive half her benefit and not take mine until I reach age 70. Can I do this?


Yes. You are still permitted to do this because you were born prior to January 2 1954 (

Best, Jerry

Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 08:00

What Is My Best Strategy?

Options and advice, appreciated, I'm on dial-up. I'm divorced 15 yr after 21 married. Haven't filed yet. I will be 67 in 7/17 & ex-wife will be 60 in 4/17. Her last known income was 2-3 X my highest. I have an appointment 1st week, 4/17 w/SSA and need knowledge. Please help.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017 - 07:15

Can I First Take Spousal Benefits And Still Receive Delayed Retirement Credits On My Own Record?

If I am at full retirement age (66.5 yrs old), and first take spousal benefits on my husband's record, can I still receive the 8% annual deferral credits at 70 years old on my record?


Potentially yes, but only if you were born prior to January 2 1954. This is due to amendments in the deeming rules passed by Congress in 2015 (

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 - 08:00

What Is Our Best Strategy For SS?

Hi Larry,
What is our best strategy for SS. I will be 65 and start collecting a pension of 30k/yr next year. My SS benefit will be 2,495 @ age 66. My wife is 5 years younger and her benefit will be $1,724 at age 66 - 8 months. We have enough in our 403 b to get by if you suggest waiting to collect benefits. I read that it is best to delay ss to age 70 to get maximum benefit, but by delaying I would be "losing" 120k, an it takes many years to make up.


Monday, March 27, 2017 - 05:45

What Is My Best Strategy?

I am 63 (born Dec. 1953). I have 40 quarters of soc. sec. earnings and would received approx. $1800/mo at full retirement age on my own account. My husband (born July 1950) started taking his soc. sec. at age 62. His monthly benefit before Part B is $1850. We also have an adult child in our household disabled at birth (down syndrome) Born in 1985. She receives a child's benefit of $1257/mo. What is my best strategy for when to file and what to file for?

Sunday, March 26, 2017 - 08:00
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