I'm 59, unemployed and left an abusive marriage. I have no retirement. Is there any type of financial help for someone like me? Thank you Sue
Sue, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. If you're divorced, you can file for your divorced spousal benefit as early as 62, although it will be reduced if you file before your full retirement age (FRA), which is 66 and 6 months if you were born in 1957. If you worked in Social Security covered employment, even with low income, you might also be able to claim a retirement benefit based on your own record as early as 62, although it too would be reduced. You'll have to have been divorced for 2 years before you can file for a divorced spousal benefit. You can become independently entitled to a divorced spousal benefit even if you ex hasn't filed for his retirement benefit yet as long as you've been divorced 2 years and he's over 62. If he passes away before you do, you can then be eligible for a divorced widow's benefit. Thanks, John