Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Could I File For Spousal Benefits And Hold Off Filing For My Own Benefits?

Larry, I’m about to file for my social security. I will be 62 years of age in three months. My husband age 65 has been receiving his social security since age 62 filed early because of medical history but he is not disabled.
During my last 2 years of employment my earning were higher than his last year of employment

Friday, May 3, 2019 - 19:32

Would It Be Advisable For My Wife To File At 62 So That I Could Draw Spousal Benefits?

I retired at age 67. My wife is 61 and still working.I was planning on waiting till 70 to start collecting ss benefits Would it be a better plan for my wife to file at 62 and me collecting spousal benefits till I reach 70? I expect my life to be 80 to 85 where as my wife with good genes may live to be 95. Both her parents lived in their 90's. I have heart disease and don't expect a longer life.
please advise what is the best strategy for us. Should we both wait till FRA? Or Should I not wait till 70?

Thursday, May 2, 2019 - 22:05

Do I Have To Pay Back My Spousal Benefits When I File For My Own Benefits?

I turn 66 in December and still working. My husband is going to be 62 but is disabled with MS for years. If I file a restricted application and take half of my husband's Social Security, what happens if at say age 68 I want to fully retire and use my earnings instead, what happens at that point? Do I have to pay that money back?


Friday, April 26, 2019 - 15:52

Can I Draw My Husband's Benefits At Age 66 And Switch To My Own Retirement Benefit At Age 70?

My husband passed away in July of 2013. He was 62 and had started receiving disability about 6 months before he died. I have been working full time. I will reach my FRA in June 2019. I plan on applying for widows benefit to start June 2019.
From what I have read, I can get my husbands full retirement benefit when I turn 66. I plan on continuing to work for a while yet. If I restrict my application, can I switch to my retirement benefit at age 70?


I'm sorry for your loss.

Friday, April 26, 2019 - 09:34

Could I Have Drawn A Spousal Benefit From My Wife's Social Security?

I filed and suspended 4 years ago when I was 66 before the deadline. My wife was 62 at the time. I will be turning 70 in July and I will start drawing my benefit. Is there anything I should be aware of before I take my first payment Iin August? Could I have done a spousal benefit from my wife’s social security benefit? She had a small work history but will have a bigger SS benefit drawing 1/2 of mine when she turns 66 in June.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 12:42

What Is My Best Plan Now?

Dear Larry,

I have your book “Get What’s Yours”and have read it multiple times, underlined it, made notations in the back, and tabbed the pages with sticky notes. And currently I’m reading sections of it again. I also purchased and used the Maximize My Social Security software and I have also purchased the Maxifi Planner.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 - 08:42

Will I Be Better Off Starting My Benefits At Age 66 And Investing The Money?

I am turning 65 this year. My husband is 81 and has a small soc.sec. income; about equal to mine.
He also worked for the city school system and gets a pension from there, and both of our medical
and dental and now medicare benefits are paid via his ss account.
The city's Health service is after me to decide by May 30th about taking s.s. and at what age.
I need to do this, or else I will be dropped they say from the city's portion of coverage of our
health coverage/ and/or medicare.

Monday, April 22, 2019 - 17:19

Which Of These 3 Options Is Best?

Dear Larry;
I am currently coming up on my 62nd birthday and selected three options for drawing my Social Security. I was hoping you could help provide the best option money wise. Please note that I retired 12/18/18.

Option 1) Draw in July at age 62 – July 2019
Option 2) Draw at age 62 ½ - Jan 2020 - (my wife will be 65 in September of this year)
Option 3) Wait until my wife is 66 – Sept 2020 (her full retirement age maxing out on the spousal benefit)

Monday, April 22, 2019 - 09:40

If My Wife Collects Her Benefits At Age 63 Will It Substantially Reduce Her Subsequent Spousal Benefit?

My wife is 63. I am 64. I plan on taking my SS benefit at full retirement age. My benefit is substantially higher than my wife. If she collects her benefit at 63, will it substantially reduce her spousal benefit when I start collecting at my Full retirement age?


I don't know what you'd consider to be substantial, but filing at age 63 would reduce your wife's benefit rate even if she later qualifies for additional spousal benefits on your record.

Friday, April 19, 2019 - 14:17

Is Social Security Correct That We Can't Collect Spousal Benefits?

My husband and I both were 66 in January 2019. I am retired and started collecting my full Social Security benefit in January. My husband is still employed and wants to continue working until 70 or longer.. He wants to collet his maximum Social Security benefit at 70. We were told that since I started collecting my SS that my husband could get spousal benefits on my SS at 50%. This would not change the amount due to my husband at age 70 on his SS benefit if he gets spousal benefits on my Social security.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - 12:35
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
Get What's Yours!
Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars with Maximize My Social Security software!
  • Find your maximized strategy
  • Unlimited what-ifs
  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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