Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Should I Switch From Disability To Retirement Benefits At Age 62 To Give My Wife A Higher Spousal Rate?

I am turning 60 years old in Jan. and medically retired with a pension and SS Disability. My wife is 67 years old and on SS of $438 a month and medicare. She got a raise of $138 a month when I went on disability of $1630 a month.
How should I proceed? Why did she only get this $138 and not half of my SS benefit? When I go off of Disability to regular SS won't she get a much larger raise than this $138? Would it profit us for me to take early SS at age 62 so she could get the larger sum? Waiting to 65 seems like a loss of money. Please advise. Thanks.

Thursday, December 27, 2018 - 09:40

What Determines My Wife's Social Security Rate?

If my wife reach the age for retirement on SS, The option for my wife at that juncture to collect max ss and for me to postpone my ss until age 70and 1/2. What determines my wife's SS at that point? What happens to our SS when I retire at 701/2? What exactly must I do at the retirement age to take advantage of this option? I don't expect to need the money until 701/2.


Monday, December 24, 2018 - 18:21

Would My Wife's Survivor Rate Be Lower If She Starts Drawing Her Own Benefits At Age 62?

If my wife claims at 62, how will that affect her benefit when I die? ( I will not start my benefit for another two years at age 70). Will it be smaller overall because she started at 62. Thanks very much.


No, regardless of when your wife starts drawing her own benefits she could receive up to your full benefit amount as a survivor if you die before her. She wouldn't get both her own benefit rate and yours, however, just the higher of the two.

Monday, December 17, 2018 - 06:41

If I Start Drawing Benefits And Return To Work, Would It Benefit Me To Stop Receiving Payments?

I turned 65 on 12/3 this year. Presently unemployed. Full retirement age is 66. If I start receiving social security in February and would go back to work in May, would it benefit to stop receiving benefits in June and restart after I stop work? Can I repay what was paid to me and receive a higher benefit when I reapply for benefits?


Wednesday, December 12, 2018 - 15:18

Does My Plan Sound Crazy?


my husband started collecting social security last spring at 66 (his full retirement age) and we got married last month. He's 17 years older than I. And I am wondering if it makes sense for me to pay my husband to stop his benefits and pay back what he got and pay him myself what he would have collected, so that he when 70 can get his highest benefits - and therefor me when I reach my full retirement age - 67 (I was always a low earner). I've heard about a resent study that suggests this might be a good idea, and I have an inheritance to cover this.

Monday, December 10, 2018 - 07:22

How Can I Determine The Cost Of Getting Remarried Before Age 60?

Hi Larry,

I’m a 56-year-old widower – had been married for 23 years -- and trying to determine the financial cost of getting re-married before I turn 60.

My plan was to begin collecting at age 60 my widower benefit. It would be about $2,000 a month before it’s reduced by 28.5 percent because I’m claiming early, yielding about $1,400. (Is this correct?) Then, at age 70, I would claim my own benefit, which will be higher – about $2,900 per month.

Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 11:34

When Should I File And Suspend So That My Wife Can Apply For Spousal Benefits?

Hi Larry. Get What's Yours is an excellent resource. I am a Canadian, worked in the US, and eligible for US SS. You book is the first time I learned about spousal benefit and survivor benefit. And, I totally get that I max out my PIA via DRC to age 70yrs. But I have two questions. My situation: born in 59 (FRA 66y10m); wife is 8 months younger and has no USSS PIA; I was disabled in 2003 (a US W2 year) and generated insurable earnings/W2s in 3 years following accident. Two things remain unclear for me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - 10:33

Would It Be Better To File On My Record Now Rather Than Waiting Until Age 70?

I am 66 and have not filed for benefits on my record. My wife will be 66 in March and has filed for her benefit. I have filed for a spousal benefit on her record. Her PIA is $441/mo. but having filed 5 months early she will receive $429/mo. My spousal benefit is $220/mo. I plan to delay filing until age 70. My PIA is $2,758/mo. We have a child, disabled before age 22, that will be 37 on Jan 1 of 2019. He receives SSDI (2018 of $900/mo) on his own earnings record and continues to work at below the SSDI monthly maximum. He lives with us.

Monday, November 19, 2018 - 12:19

Should My Wife File Early So That I Can Draw Spousal Benefits?

I was born in 1952 so I have the option of obtaining a spousal benefit provided my spouse files.

• I will be 66 next month, full retirement age.
• I do not currently plan to file until age 70.
• My spouse was born in 1956, is 62 and and can file for reduced benefits now.
• Her benefit at 62 is $891 , at full retirement it’s $1208 and at 70 it’s $1563.

If I understand correctly, if she files now she will get $891 and I will get a spousal benefit of $445. A total of $1337.

Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 07:17
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