Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Can My Husband Draw Spousal Benefits Until He Begins Collecting His Own Benefits At Age 70?

I am turning 66 in November and have applied & been approved to receive my SS benefits to begin in a few weeks. My question is, "can my husband, who will be 69 in January 2019 & has not collected SS benefits, apply for "spousal benefits" until he begins collecting his own SS at 70 years old? Will this affect his own SS benefit?


Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 19:54

What Is My Best Strategy Now?

I filed for the first time with my spouse about 6 weeks ago (September 21). The SS agency confirmed that our first payments would be seen near the end of December (in 5 weeks).

About a week ago, my spouse passed away which changes the situation. I am currently 66, and my husband was nearly 67 when he passed. His benefits would be higher than mine, so I was thinking that the correct strategy would be to:
- cancel or suspend my filing, and let my account continue to accrue over the next few years
- meanwhile file on my spouse's account

Friday, November 9, 2018 - 12:27

What's The Best Strategy For Me And My Husband?

My husband and I are approaching 65 and trying to figure out SS. He will probably qualify for the maximum amount allowed and I will probably get the minimum amount allowed. What is the best strategy and when should we apply.
He's working and I'm not. Should I apply for 1/2 of his now, and wait til 70 to apply for mine? Do I get both? Oh my.
Many thanks,

Hi Sharna,

Tuesday, November 6, 2018 - 06:45

Would My Survivor Benefits Be Reduced If I Start Drawing My Own Benefits At Age 63?

I am currently 63 years old and am intending to draw my benefits in January, 2019. My spouse is 65 now and will be 66 in March. If I draw my benefits at 63 1/2 in January 2019 would my survivor benefits be based on my husband's earnings or would they be reduced since I would be taking my ss at 63.5. My husband does not plan on taking social security benefits until 70.

Thanks for your help.


Hi Sue,

Saturday, November 3, 2018 - 09:44

Do I Have This Correctly Thought Out?

my wife was born 3/25/60, my birthday is 11/18/54. i have maximized my SS payments for the past 30 years, my wife has made significantly less. I am thinking of taking my benefit on 04/2022. and have my wife file for her spousal benefit at the same time. My benefit amt is $3200/month at that point her spousal is $1598 (according to the SSA detailed calculator). My wife's benefit if she waits until 70 is only $1450. I believe her spousal benefit is not reduced if she takes it at 62. Is that correct?

Thursday, October 25, 2018 - 18:22

What Options Are Available For Us?

My husband, age 63, is collecting SSDI, $2032 per month. i am about to turn 60, still working . My estimated SS benefits are 1540 at FRA, and $2059 at age 70, although I do plan an working fewer hours after age 64, possibly cutting my income by 40%. What options are available for us? I have just purchased your book, but the information is overwhelming. Thank you for your help!


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 - 07:29

Should We Cancel Our Applications?

I will be 67 in Jan 2019. My wife will be 66 in
Jan 2019. On Oct 1 she filed for SS and I filed
For spousal benefit w plans to refine for my SS
Benefit and she would file for spousal benefit
At the same time. If house proposal 831 goes through , I would lose my spousal benefit. Do u think I should cancel our applications and
Wait till I am 70 or just take a chance. I have
No immediate need and am trying to
Maximize payout. Assume either way
If something happens to me she would
Be eligible for my payout. Thanks for whatever

Monday, October 22, 2018 - 11:09

Is There Any Loophole That Would Help Me?

I found your January 23, 2015 PBS News Hour article “Social Security’s Christmas present: Benefit cuts for millions of disabled workers” today on the internet. I thank you for writing it, because the information it contains is nowhere to be found in similar articles on the web, nor was it ever disclosed in my queries to the SSA before or after being awarded SSDI through Appeal by a SSA Law Judge in July 2018.

Friday, October 19, 2018 - 10:51
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