Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Do You Have Any Tips For Us?

After purchasing Get Whats Yours...I had my spouse, Vickie, file for S.S. in Sept 2015 . I then requested a File and Suspend on my account and began collecting Spousal support on my wife's account. In September 2019 I will be 70 years of age and intend to file for MY FULL / S.S. benefit.... I would appreciate your advice on any tips that would assist us on the plan you have guided us on... as well as Confirmation that we are on track for the best outcome.
Is it possible to have my spouse, Vickie.. collect spousal on my account and raise the S.S. Benefits even higher??

Monday, March 4, 2019 - 09:44

Should I File For My Social Security Benefits Now?

My husband and I both just turned 66 born both in 1953 so we are at our full retirement age. I am not working (wife) but my husband is and plans to work until age 70. I was thinking I should start taking my social security which would only be about $800.00. My husband should get $2,600.00 if he was to collect his social security now. He wants to wait until age 70 to collect about $3,200.00. If I collect mine know and then I understand I can get 50% of his FRA 2,600. (half would be $1,300.00) when he retires at age 70. Is this the smart thing to do.

Monday, February 25, 2019 - 07:46

Am I Missing Something?

Hi! I am so happy to have found your articles tonight! I have a question about auxiliary family SSA benefits. I am 54, my spouse is 61, and we have two biological children that are fourteen (twins). My husband is working and his wages were $98,000 last year. We called Social Security to ask whether or not my husband could file for benefits at age 62 and keep working so that I and our children could also file for benefits. I have read everything online and had done ALL of the calculations concerning the earnings test and our family monthly maximum benefit payment.

Friday, February 22, 2019 - 16:10

Am I Right That This Option Is Not Available To Us?

I read your book, and thought I understood what the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 meant for us. My husband was born in 1952 and I in 1957. So, he was 62 or older by January 1, 2016, but I was not. So I understand that we are not grandparented in and can no longer collect one full spousal benefit between full retirement age and age 70.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019 - 10:50

What Is My Best Course Of Action?

I am 57 years of age my Husband passed last year (2018) after 38 years of marriage. I am wondering should I apply for his Social Security when I get 60 and still work, than when I 65 apply for my own Social Security? Also can I get his Social Security and still work. If so what is the Maximum amount I can make while receiving his Social Security. His amount is going to be less money than mine. I don't know what the best course of action. Also can you tell me How can I find out the amount of his and My Social Security Benefits.


Friday, February 15, 2019 - 11:56

Can I File On My Wife's Account And Delay Mine Until Age 68 Without Any Penalties?

My wife started receiving benefits against her record at 62 when she retired. I am 66 as of Dec. 2018 and plan on retiring at 68. Can I file against her record and delay mine until 68 without any penalties to either of our benefits going forward. Also does it impact medicare benefits?


Thursday, February 7, 2019 - 09:34

What Am I Entitled To Now And How Can I Maximize My Benefits?

Hi Larry, I worked for USPS from Aug1996 to Dec. 2016. I was approved and went out on retirement disability because of injury on the job, I continue to accept OWCP in lieu of my disability retirement. My husband of 22 years passed in April of 2017 at the age of 67. He retired in 2011 at age 62 after being on his job for 43yrs. At the time of his death he was receiving his pension and Social Security due to several strokes that left him paralyzed (in 2013). I will be 54 in Sept of 2019. My husband was 16yrs my senior.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019 - 11:54

Can My Husband Collect On My Earnings While He Waits Until Age 70?

My husband turns 66 in March 2019. I turned 63 in December 2018. We are both planning to file for social security with in the next few months. He can collect about 1800 and month and I can collect about 1100. We have worked 45 years (me) and 50 years (husband). I am planning to retire before I earn the 2019 limit of 17,600. My husband will keep working cause he cant sit still. My question is in regard to advice given me by my financial planner. They tell me that my husband can collect on my earnings if he wants to wait until 70 to collect on his own earnings.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019 - 07:14
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Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars with Maximize My Social Security software!
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  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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