Is There A Limit On How Much You Can Make Working Part-Time While On Social Security?
Hi, Is there a limit to how much you can make working a part time job while on social security?
Hi, Is there a limit to how much you can make working a part time job while on social security?
I will be 62 in November 2022. I have my 40 credits of SS. I have half my years with $0 earnings. My daughter wants to hire me for $150 a month and give me a 1099. Will this affect my SS benefits negatively? Should I just suggest another way to compensate me? Thank you. Karen
Hi Karen. No, earning $150 per month won't have any adverse effect on your Social Security benefits. You can earn up to $19,560 in 2022, or up to $1630 per month without causing any of your benefits to be withheld due to your earnings.
I did yearly retirement at 63 I'm going to be 65 can I earn more then the 1630 a month when I turn 65
I am 62 my DOB is 2/5/60. I f I collect now my SS NOW CAN I STILL WORK?
I am planning on starting Social Security when I reach 65 in March 2024. My question is would income earnings from Jan, 2024 till my first SS check will impact my Social Security earnings for 2024?
Does pto time bonus short term disability count as earnings on my social security I am 64
I retired from New York State in September 2020, and began collecting Social Security in February 2021. I received a retroactive check from a contract that was settled after I retired . I believe it was in July 2021. It is common practice for New York civil service employees to receive retro checks after their late contract is settled. Social Security Administration claims I was overpaid because my "work and earnings", exceeded the earnings limit. Since I was not working, I don't think I should have to pay . I will be filling out the waiver and reconsideration forms.
I am currently negotiating a Personal Injury lawsuit settlement with an insurance company that will put me way over my allowed annual earning. Is there any way for me to shelter this award to avoid giving so much to social security?
2021, started collecting retirement benefits. However, I exceeded income and monthly maximum limits. I started at 63 February
What happens now that I e exceeded both limitations? I cannot withdraw my application as it is more than a year
Hi Larry, I am a retiring in less than a year at 66 1/2 and draw my SS benefits, my wife will be 63, we have a disabled son, and we get paid for his cares through Wisconsin Medicaid waiver program, the income does not count as federal or state income -therefore no taxes are paid on this income of $26,000 for each of us, however SS taxes are withheld.
Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.