Ask Larry


Can I Collect My Social Security Now?

Can I collect my social security, I'm disabled 55 years old and got denied for disability


No. The only way that you can collect Social Security benefits based on your own work record prior to age 62 is if you qualify for disability benefits (SSDI). If you have an impairment that prevents you from working, you may want to consider filing an appeal ( on the disallowance of your SSDI claim or reapply.

Best, Jerry

Thursday, June 21, 2018 - 07:39

Which Estimate Should I Rely On?

I used the Social Security Administration's online Quick Benefit Calculator and the estimate I received was approximately $400 less than the number I received during an in-person visit at the local Social Security office here in the town where I live AND the SSA's online Retirement Estimator calculator. Which should I rely on?


Hi Melinda,

Monday, June 18, 2018 - 18:01

Were OPM And Social Security Correct When They Reduced My Benefits?

I am a retired federal employee on disability retirement. My family sold a farm and I had a large capital gain ( over $400,000) for the portion of my share that wasn’t part of a 1031 Starker exchange. My retirement was cut by $300 a month due to this Capital Gain. Were OPM and Social Security correct when they reduced my benefits? If Yes, how long can my benefits be reduced? If No, how do I get my benefits back?


Friday, June 15, 2018 - 15:42

Are There Any Exclusions In My Situation That Would Allow Me To Continue Receiving Benefits?

Hello. I am Russian native & USA Citizen. 69 1/2 years old. Recently I was informed that my SSI will be stopped due to the fact that I cannot produce a document from Russia stated that I still collecting my pension there and monthly amount. To obtain this document I must travel back to Russia, Siberia and it will cost me around $3,000. Because law changes in 2015 I must personally be there to obtain necessary documentation. If I do not I will have to leave on the street sidewalk.

Friday, June 15, 2018 - 14:51

Can I Get Both My Own Benefits And My Deceased Husband's Benefits?

i have been collecting my deceased husbands social seurity benefits for past 10 years and i received a call from I dont know who but they left me a message my benefts will be suspended i assume it was social security i never applied for my own social security and I worked many years I did not know I could get both ts this correct I am 73 years old. when i appiled for social security 10 years ago they said i could only apply for one or the other is this correct please help me find answers


Sunday, June 10, 2018 - 06:59
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