Ask Larry


Can I Apply For PUA Benefits While Receiving SSI/SSD Benefits?

can i aply for pua benefits while reciving ssi/ssd


Receipt of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) payments wouldn't have any adverse effect on Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits. However, since Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is needs based, any new income that a person receives could cause their SSI benefits to be reduced or suspended.

My only area of expertise is Social Security benefits, so I don't know whether or not receiving SSDI or SSI would have any bearing on your eligibility for PUA payments.

Best, Jerry

Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - 17:46

Can The Supreme Court Overrule Social Security's 10-Year Marriage Rule?

Can the supreme court overruled Social Security and the 10-Year Marriage Rule
We were married for 7 years but lived together for 27 years. In the state of Missouri. I dedicate my life and now struggle to maintain a living.

Can I gave a quadro written over. There are parts of my quadro that are not filed in. So there seen as silent. And it prevents me from receiving spouse benefits under ford motor company. They are considered silent


Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - 17:20

Why Would Social Security Lower My Disability Benefit Rate?

Why would social security change my social security disability less than what I was getting in the beginning?


There could be a number of different reasons why your benefit rate was reduced. For example, Social Security may have recomputed your rate to correct a previous calculation error. That rarely occurs, though, so it probably isn't that. More likely, Social Security is withholding part of your benefit rate for some reason. But, since I don't have access to your records, I can only speculate.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 10:28

Do I Need To Report It To Social Security When I Get Married?

I am 60 years old and have been receiving Social Security and SSI for several years. I am going to marry a lady who has been receiving Social
Social Security and FERS Disability for over 10 years. She is 65 years of age and her Social Security is 3 times more than I receive. When we get married next month, do we report to Social Security? If so, at what point would I be eligible for 50% of her Social Security amount?


Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 09:58

Is It True That The Government Can Garnish My Social Security?

I cosigned for several college loans for my children and they have not paid anything on them. I am paying one of many and living on social security. I have read the government can garnish my social security. Is this true?


Yes, Social Security benefits can potentially be partially offset to collect unpaid federal student loans. However, the offset amount can't exceed 15% of a person's Social Security benefit rate, and can't cause a person's Social Security monthly benefit amount to be reduced below $750.

Best, Jerry

Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 09:28

Is It True That Social Security Doesn't Pay Any Benefits At All For The Month Of Death Even If A Person Dies On The Last Day Of A Month?

If a person receiving SS benefits dies on the last day of the month (a few hours before midnight, no less), is it true that SS does not pay ANY benefits AT ALL for the month of death? I would think they would at least pro-rate it, or have a policy that the person had to live at least X number of days out of the month, especially since they pay a month BEHIND and that money is owed to the decedent (or his widow) who actually lived the entire month, lacking a few hours (and in this case, a month that even had 31 days, not 30).

Thursday, August 20, 2020 - 15:25

Should I Return The Benefits I Was Paid?

I retired in March 2020 at the age of 66. I signed up for Medicare, and apparently applied for Social Security at the same time, which I did not intend to do. I stopped Social Security payments after receiving checks in April, May and June. Should I return the payments I received so that my benefit when I begin to draw at the age of 70 will be higher? If so, how do I do that?


Tuesday, August 18, 2020 - 12:02
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